What the New Year Brings

A New Year is for
New goals
New resolutions
New magic
New spells
New charms
New rites

A New Year is for
Fresh starts
Manifestation of dreams
Crafting the life you want to live

What will the New Year bring for you?

The Hermitess Within

sun through branchesIt is the hermitess within me that craves solitude and distance from my usual distractions and pattern of life.  A breaking with the norm.

Every so often she pulls me away and makes me readjust my focus.  She enjoys the quiet…the thinking and contemplating.

I wander a little during these times – figuratively speaking – although I do tend to spend even more time in nature than usual.

It isn’t a time to write and share – that comes later.  First I must think and experience, analyse my thoughts and seek out new sources of inspiration as well as reawaken my connection to old ones.  I search for guidance, seek answers, pose questions, read, study, ponder the direction I am heading in as well as my purpose.

It can be a challenging time, but then I remind myself that no-one said it would be easy.  Growth and development, knowledge and wisdom do not come for free.  Sometimes sacrifice is required.  Sometimes it can feel like no progress is being made.  Sometimes there is too much movement, at too great a pace.  It is unpredictable but the rewards for persevering make it worthwhile, if only one can stick with it.

I suppose this sort-of explains my little blog absence…

My little break away has been productive.  I have a new free course that I am working on at the moment, and I hope I will get around to posting it some time this month.  There are also a number of articles that I working on; some for this site but others I might try submitting further afield 🙂  If anyone has any suggestions for where, I am all ears…

I also have a little gift for my cherished readers, which will be ready in the run-up to Samhain.  I won’t say any more for the moment…

So, I hope you have all had a great summer – or winter if you are in the southern hemisphere.


Maeandra Mae